Neurodiversity Unbound

Neurodiversity-focused consulting, education, training, and mentorship.

About Neurodiversity Unbound

Neurodiversity Unbound is an autistic owned and operated business that exists to provide education and insight on the neurodivergent experience. We provide many services for not only those within the disabled community, but also for those who wish to better understand and support those who are through a direct first hand experience as well as person centered and trauma informed care. 


If you yourself, or someone you provide care for is autistic, disabled, or neurodivergent, whether that be a new or older discovery, we provide mentorship and guidance on how to unmask, find joy, develop boundaries, and learn accommodations on how to find authenticity and freedom in life through direct first hand experience. If you are a parent, care taker, partner, educator or care provider, we training, mentorship, and consulting on how to be not only the best ally you can be, but also how to better understand the neurodivergent experience in order to best provide support for those you care for. We offer a comprehensive and in-depth workshop and accommodation training for employers who want to better serve and understand neurodiversity in the workplace. 


Personal Consulting & Mentorship

1:1 tailored services for family members, school staff, individuals, and others to help provide a better foundation for the neurodivergent experience.

Business Consulting

Workshops and training focused on creating an environment that is more accessible and inclusive for those with different neurotypes.

Events & Collaboration

I am available for interviews, podcast features, event speaking and panel participation, and other collaborations.